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The complete Natural Skincare Routine

Updated: 2 days ago

Discovering a natural skincare routine is a great way to nourish your skin with ingredients that are free from harmful chemicals and aligned with a holistic lifestyle. Below is a step-by-step guide to creating a natural skincare routine you can easily do at home.

Step 1: Cleanse (Morning and Evening)

While washing our faces is a routine task, it's easy to overlook the importance of doing a thorough cleanse. Often, we simply splash on some water or use a quick face wash without considering the deeper benefits of a proper cleansing routine. However, cleansing is a crucial step that does more than just remove surface dirt. It effectively clears away oil, impurities, and any residue from the day, ensuring that your skin is fully prepped to absorb the nourishing ingredients in the rest of your skincare regimen. A good cleanse is the foundation of healthy, radiant skin.

How to Do It:

Ingredients: Use a natural cleanser like honey, which has antibacterial properties, or you can do an oil cleansing with coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil. dependant on your skin type.

Method: If using honey, apply a small amount to damp skin and massage gently in circular motions. For oil cleansing, massage the oil onto dry skin, then drape a warm, damp cloth over your face to open pores. Gently wipe away the oil after a minute.

Tip: Avoid harsh cleansers with sulfates, as they can strip your skin’s natural oils.

Step 2: Exfoliate (2-3 Times a Week)

I find that exfoliating in the evening after a long day not only rejuvenates my skin but also helps me unwind, setting the stage for a more restful night's sleep. This simple ritual has become a moment of self-care, where I can truly relax and let go of the day’s stresses.

Purpose: Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, helping to reveal brighter, smoother skin and allowing other products to penetrate more effectively.

How to Do It:

Ingredients: Create a gentle scrub using natural ingredients like oatmeal, sugar, or finely ground coffee mixed with honey or yogurt. i will be covering these recipes and many others for different skin types in more detail in another post.

Method: Apply the scrub to damp skin and massage in circular motions, focusing on areas that tend to be rough or congested, like the T-zone then Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

Tip: Be gentle—over-exfoliating can irritate your skin and cause redness.

Step 3: Tone (Morning and Evening)

Purpose: Toning balances your skin’s pH, tightens pores, and preps your skin for moisturizer.

How to Do It:

Ingredients: Use natural toners like witch hazel, rose water, or apple cider vinegar diluted with water. never put it undiluted on your skin, this could cause a reaction.

Method: After cleansing, apply your toner to a cotton pad and gently swipe it across your face, avoiding the eye area. Alternatively, you can get yourself a spray bottle and spritz rose water directly onto your skin.

Tip: Look for alcohol-free toners to avoid drying out your skin

Step 4: Treat (Morning and Evening)

Purpose: This step targets specific skin concerns like acne, dryness, or hyperpigmentation.

How to Do It:

Ingredients: Depending on your skin type, you can use natural oils or serums: these recipes will all be available in my how to guides

For Acne-Prone Skin: Tea tree oil or neem oil.

For Dry Skin: Rosehip oil or argan oil.

For Hyperpigmentation: Vitamin C serum or licorice root extract.

Method: Apply a few drops of your chosen treatment to problem areas or all over your face, depending on the product. Gently pat it into your skin.

Tip: Always do a patch test when introducing new treatments to ensure your skin doesn’t react negatively.

Step 5: Moisturize (Morning and Evening)

Purpose: Moisturizing not only locks in hydration, it nourishes the skin, and provides a protective barrier.

How to Do It:

Ingredients: Choose natural moisturizers like shea butter, aloe vera, or oils like argan, jojoba, or almond oil.

Method: After applying your treatments, warm a small amount of moisturizer between your hands and press it into your skin. Focus on areas that tend to be drier, such as around the eyes and mouth.

Tip: If you have oily skin, opt for lighter oils like jojoba or grapeseed oil that won’t clog pores.

Step 6: Sun Protection (Morning)

Purpose: Protecting your skin from UV rays is essential to prevent premature aging and skin damage. I have to say i absolutely love the sun, always lifts my spirits and makes me feel brand new.

How to Do It:

Ingredients: Use a natural sunscreen containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, or opt for oils with natural SPF properties like red raspberry seed oil.

Method: Apply sunscreen generously to your face and any exposed skin 15 minutes before going outside.

Tip: Even on cloudy days, UV rays can penetrate, so make sunscreen a daily habit.

Step 7: Nighttime Nourishment (Evening)

Purpose: At night, your skin repairs itself, so this is the best time to focus on deep nourishment and repair.

How to Do It:

Ingredients: Consider using a heavier natural oil like avocado oil or a nourishing balm.

Method: After your evening routine, apply a thin layer of oil or balm to lock in moisture and support overnight skin repair. Trust me this is really worth it. every night i apply my oil based balm.

Tip: Add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or chamomile for a calming effect before bed.

Step 8: Weekly Masking (Once a Week)

Purpose: Masks provide a concentrated dose of nutrients and can address specific skin concerns like hydration, detoxification, or brightening. You can alternate these depending on what you feel you skins need.

How to Do It:

Ingredients: Choose ingredients based on your skin’s needs:

For Hydration: Mix avocado with honey.

For Detoxification: Use bentonite clay mixed with apple cider vinegar.

For Brightening: Combine turmeric with yogurt and honey.

Method: Apply the mask to clean, dry skin and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. some may go hard but that's ok, others remain wet and sticky Rinse off with lukewarm water

Tip: Follow up with toner and moisturizer to seal in the benefits of the mask. and they are not just for the ladies .

Additional Tips for Natural Skincare:

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial for keeping your skin hydrated from the inside out. we all forget about that one.

Healthy Diet: Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds into your diet for glowing skin. what we put in our body shines out.

Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep to allow your skin to repair and regenerate. i know easier said than done for a lot of people, but take time for yourself. and remember there is only one you, you are unique

I hope you enjoyed this post, if you did leave a comment and sign up for our free newsletter , and i will be back with more fabulous DIY beauty treatments, and recipes so you can make your own.

Take care x

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